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Consultation: Practices on Displacement and L&D, Mombasa

On October 2 and 3, the PDD Secretariat, in collaboration with the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) convened a consultation of civil society representatives working on Displacement and Loss & Damage in Nairobi. The event was attended by 26 representatives of the Kenyan civil society, who work in the Coast Region on climate change adaptation and resilience, ecosystem management, livelihoods, advocacy, and disaster preparedness and response.

The event represented the opportunity to identify interesting practices that are being implemented in areas affected by climate impacts and displacement, and allowed participants working on similar topics to exchange on areas of common interest, including restoration of coastal ecosystems, preparedness for the upcoming El Nino season, and governance.

The consultation is part of a process, supported by PAMAD, to identify and disseminate community-level work on displacement and loss & damage, which includes multiple community consultations, and peer-learning activities on identified practices.

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